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Bitcoin Pizza Day A Look Back At The First Bitcoin Transaction


Bitcoin Pizza Day: A Look Back at the First Bitcoin Transaction

Ten Years Ago Today, a Transaction That Changed Cryptocurrency History

Laszlo Hanyecz, the First Person to Use Bitcoin for a Purchase

Ten years ago today, a developer named Laszlo Hanyecz made history. He became the first person to use bitcoin for a purchase when he bought two Papa John's pizzas for 10,000 BTC.

At the time, the value of bitcoin was just $0.003 per coin, meaning that Hanyecz's purchase was worth just $30. However, his transaction would go down in history as the first time that bitcoin was used to purchase a physical good.

Hanyecz's purchase helped to raise awareness of bitcoin and paved the way for the cryptocurrency to become the global phenomenon that it is today. In fact, May 22nd is now celebrated as Bitcoin Pizza Day in honor of Hanyecz's historic transaction.

Today, bitcoin is worth over $9,000 per coin, making Hanyecz's purchase worth over $90 million. However, Hanyecz says that he doesn't regret spending his bitcoins on pizza. He believes that his transaction helped to promote bitcoin and make it more widely accepted.

Hanyecz's story is a reminder that even the smallest actions can have a big impact. His decision to use bitcoin for a pizza purchase helped to change the course of cryptocurrency history.

